Organizational Excellence

People and Process Improvement

Employment Branding-A Seeker’s Perspective

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First, a word from our friend Ben at his blog…5 ways to improve your company’s Employment Brand.

Ben’s points ring painfully true for me as a job seeker, and he offers extremely good advice for employers. So whichever hat you‘re wearing right now, go read Ben’s post. Then come back here for my 2c worth from a current seeker’s perspective.


It’s so easy to forget that an employment relationship represents a significant investment from both employer AND employee. What drives a job seeker to sign on with one company over another, all other things being equal? Employment branding is essential to catching the best there is to catch, even in this buyers’ market.


A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind man….do not underestimate the importance of communicating to applicants. My elephant’s memory has total recall of those who did, and those who didn’t, respond in some way, ANY way, that they know I exist. By the way, I’m a customer too.


It’s not just Gen X and Gen Y who want to be informed and treated as owners. I’ll testify for the boomers-we want the same. But Ben’s assessment is correct-sharing business information is indeed becoming more critical with those coming up into the power seats. And don’t just share a bunch of “stuff”…you need a communication strategy.


Whaaat?! There’s more to onboarding than “here’s your desk / sink or swim bubba”?! The transition process is too often ignored. I have to go find it, but good data is out there somewhere on the impacts of ineffective transitions at many levels-internal position changes, new leaders, people new to the company. It’s critical to eliminate the unknowns and other barriers so “new” folks and the people around them can reach maximum productivity ASAP.


Sell the Sizzle! The really good candidates are most definitely interested in more than a sterile job description. Here to testify again. The HR-politically-correct job description is a necessary evil, but there must be more to a job posting than that. Exceptional job seekers look for exceptional opportunities. It’s more than a job, it’s an adventure.


Related to selling the sizzle-protect your image, employers. The really good candidates study a company prior to expressing interest. Your web site is the world’s window to your soul. If it’s boring, I sleep (CLICK). If it’s nothing but techno-babble, I glaze over (CLICK). If there are typos and poorly written copy, I laugh (CLICK). Unless I’m applying for your webmaster position, in which case I’m thinking “job security” (ka-CHING).


Written by Craig

April 10, 2009 at 8:30 am

Posted in General Stuff

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